These are my top 10 games of 2011, they are entirely my opinion and it's been hard to narrow it down because it has been such a great year for gaming!
10. Battlefield 3
It's got an amazing multiplayer and co-op game but the single player was lacking and single player is something I find really important to the enjoyment of a game.
I will be playing this as long as there is a community because it is the best first person shooter online of 2011.
9. Alice: Madness Returns
The art style in this game is some of the best around but I do wish that it were a bit darker like originally intended.
No multiplayer hurts the replay value but I've still gone back to it after completion and I'm currently working on a platinum.
8. Killzone 3
I'm really looking forward to 4 after what happened in 3.
The graphics are still outstanding and the best of any FPS this year (yes, even better than BF3 to me, keeping in mind I don't like playing on PC!) and I still love playing the multiplayer.
7. Portal 2
A great puzzle game with a great cast of characters (Glados and Wheatly, mainly) with a unique setting.
The co-op is also good with free DLC to accommodate it.
The co-op is also good with free DLC to accommodate it.
6. Resistance 3
The story in this was great, it's nice to see a more in-depth FPS campaign that really develops the characters.
I still play the multiplayer on this and it's something I think deserves more sales than it received.
5. Dead Space 2
One of the first games I bought in 2011 and still one of the most memorable. (Also the first review I've done!)
The multiplayer was never too great but the campaign is easily one of the best this year.
4. Mortal Kombat
Easily the best fighter of 2011 with one of the stronger stories in fighting games.
The multiplayer is fun but I do wish for less spam although it's unavoidable on any fighting game.
3. Batman: Arkham City
I was torn between placing this 3rd or 2nd but decided on third.
It's an amazing game and one of the best 'super'hero games created but I think the Riddles are not as engrossing this time around and I haven't found myself going back to it as much as I had done with Arkham Asylum.
I am planning on it, just the story was the main selling point and the travelling and such is pretty slow and becomes a bit of a nuisance.
2. Assassin's Creed: Revelations
This further improves upon Brotherhood offline and online and ends the Ezio/Altair saga in game form (I say this because of Embers).
It's a fun game and even though it may not be the best Assassin's Creed locations and story wise, it is by far the best in gameplay and graphics.
My personal game of the year is...
1. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception.
I've written a review on this so feel free to check it out but in short, it's my favourite game for multiplayer this year, the strongest campaign, strongest graphics, characters, music, etc. It just does everything brilliantly and exceeds all expectations.
Dark Souls, Skyrim, No More Heroes and Marvel VS Capcom 3 other games that I didn't place in my top 10 despite being amazing games that I've had a lot of fun with.
There are more but this is the main bulk. :)
Thanks for reading!
I completely agree with you. Uncharted 3 is by far the best game of the year. Crysis 2, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, and Metal Gear Solid HD Collection are up there too.
No Portal 2 :O lol
Oh craaaaap! xD
Might change Dark Souls for Portal 2, makes sense considering I haven't finished Dark Souls yet. xD
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